Thursday, March 15, 2007

Real content next week. For now: Belly Roll!

Okay. I may not have the perfectly flat post baby stomach that Mella has, but so what? This is the belly that gave me my baby and I should be proud of it!

1 year after giving birth.

My husband thinks I'm sexy and the woman who gave me a massage the other day told me I look amazing for having a 1 year old! I am going to accept that they were being completely honest, and if someone looks at this and says "Ew...chub." than they can (in the words of Tyra Banks) "Kiss my fat ass!".


Thanks also to Zhoen, Lorianne, and Leslee.


Mella said...

I'm going to agree with your husband (can't beat a husband-shaped mirror, to steal a quote from Zhoen) - and the lady who gave you a massage - your stomach is fabulous!! =)

PS - I saw a clip of Tyra Banks saying that and smacking her bum - it was awesome.

PPS: I am SUPER envious that you got a massage!

Novice said...

Valentine's Day present from Beloved Husband. It was s o o o w o n d e r f u l.

I have a jar on a bookshelf with "Massage Fund" on it and everytime I have a few extra bucks I'm going to stick them in it.

My neighbor and I have a theory that if the state gives every mother with kids living at home vouchers for free monthly massages, there will be a huge influx of young families, which will boost the economy and the happy parents will be able to donate more time and resources to the public schools, which will become the best in the nation!

Dang. Run-on sentence!

Mella said...

Mental Note - must have husband get gift-giving tips from your husband...

Actually, this is terrible, but my mother gave my sister and I spa gift certificates for Christmas 2005 - and we have YET to get together and use them.

That's sad.

Lorianne said...

Wooohooo! What a wonderful belly...and a wonderful soul for baring it. You deserve another massage, girlfriend. :-)

leslee said...

That's a great belly. I'm sure baby loves it as much as dad. Maybe more. Ah, a massage fund... now there's a thought.