Monday, October 09, 2006

Want to write something. Everything in my head is stupid.

Novice One

That picture of me pretty much sums it up.

Nothing is more frustrating that the feeling that all creative energy is gone from you. Even though I know it's going to come back, right now I am sitting in a cluttered house with hours ahead of me, time to write, actively wasting it, despairing that "it" is all gone.

Someday I am going to look back and...nah. When I look back, I won't even remember today.

1 comment:

Mella said...

I know this look! And this feeling too - lately for me, both are associated with the due dates of my writing submissions for school. My packet for this month went out yesterday, and's not good. Slim and not good.

But you're right, you won't even remember this day when you look back someday. That's oddly comforting.